December 29th, 2007
Election 2007 Dec 29 12:15 pm update
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
I’m quite concerned about the terrible coverage by KBC given its natonwide coverage. Anyone listening to radio, how is that coverage? If it’s just as bad then most Kenyans are in the dark about the results, which is just unacceptable.
- Chaos in Kawangware and Jogoo Road.
The ECK briefing just got done.
They released provisional results for the presidential race. Couldn’t type fast enough to catch break down by province, here’s the total
Kivuitu apologized for the delayed results, but basically admitted that they had no clue what was causing the delay and nothing short of the commissioners going to all the delayed constituencies to find out what was going on could give a satisfactory answer. He said that returning officers in those areas are not picking up their phones. He made several references to the fact that people might be cooking the results before submitting them to the ECK, and said that if they delay continues he will announce the results that have been submitted (Raila in the lead - missed the exact numbers but it’s 49% - 45%). He said that there were 51 constituencies that had not submitted their numbers to ECK at KICC for the presidential race and for most of these constituencies there was no good explanation (except places like Kajiado North where there was chaos). He ended the meeting saying that the commissioners were going to have a meeting to decide the way forward.
Didn’t catch all the constituencies but some of them include:
- Masinga- Kajiado North-Kitui West-Gachoka-Garsen-Sotik-Kiambaa-Limuru-Baringo East- Laikipia East- Naivasha-Nakuru Town-Molo- South Mugirango- Bobachi- Nyaribari Chache- Kitutu Chache
This is all disturbing.
December 29th, 2007
Election 2007 Dec 29 10:30 am update
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
First, for all those who took advantage of my time away from the blog to turn the comment section into a space for your tribal-based vitriol - SHAME ON YOU! From reading this blog you should know that I don’t entertain that kind of crap, and my readers have always respected that.
I’ve had to spend half an hour (on a slow connection) deleting comments instead of focusing on updating the results. I do not want to close the comment section because of a few people, especially since majority of the comments have been positive regardless of who the person is supporting, but I will not tolerate that rubbish on my blog. Create your own blog or express yourself on websites that will accommodate non-civil comments - Kenyan Pundit is all about KENYA.
OK, on to the latest.
- Tension is high due to the delay in announcing results. Hear there are problems in town and Kibera.
- Footage on KTN right now showing tampering of results in Kamkunji in favor of Kibaki and the PNU candidate - it’s very obvious no matter who you are supporting. I really hope this is an isolated case.
- Latest results - approx Raila 4.05, Kibaki 3.68, Kalonzo 0.67
- 34 constituencies left before official announcement of presidential results by ECK. Constituencies left are Coast 10; Eastern 8; Central 8; Nairobi 5: Rift Valley 3. No prizes for guessing who this tally favors.
MP results (though focus of the media now is on Presidential numbers)
- Kachileba: Poghiso in
- Saboti: Eugene Wamalwa in
- Mosop: David Koech in
- Makadara: Dickson Waithaka in
- Lamu West: Fahim Twaha in
December 28th, 2007
Break time
Posted by Ory Okolloh in Uncategorized
Off to bed, back in the am.
December 28th, 2007
Election 2007 Dec 29 2:15 am update
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Presidential: Raila 53% - Kibaki 48% - about 7 million votes counted. Both have 25% in more than 5 provinces. Kibaki picked up from Central and North Eastern. Interestingly, Kibaki leading in Nairobi though ODM picking up all the parliamentary seats so far.
MP results:
- Juja: George Thuo just declared winner, though that’s still dicey
- Starehe: Margaret Wanjiru just declared winner
- Manyatta: Ndwiga out
- Mtito: Kiema Kilonzo in
- Kandara: James Kamua in
- Embakasi: Melittus Were in
- Galole: Godhana Dhadho in
- Kangundo: Johnson Mutharia in
- Likoni: Mwalimu Mwahima in
- Kipkelion: Kiprono Magerer in
- Yatta: Charles Kilonzo in
- Turkana South: Josephat Nanole
- Bomachage: Joel Omagwa
- Malindi: Gideon Mungira
- Magarini: Kingi Jeffa
-Voi: Danson Mwakulegwa
- Mandera East: Hussein Ali
- Tharaka: Alex Muiruri
December 28th, 2007
Election 2007 Dec 29 12:30 am update
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
- For those who are asking - only 3 seats have been announced in Nairobi - Westlands, Langata, and Kasarani. Have no idea what is going on with the rest though violence reported in Kasarani and Kamkunji.
- Current tally of seats: ODM 72, PNU 19, Safina 4, ODM-K 9, MGPK 1, NARC 3, PICK 2, KANU 6, UDM 1, SISI 1, DP 1, NEW FORD-KENYA 2
- Presidential - Raila 51.1%, Kibaki 40.4%
- ECK needs to style up how they present their results - having some guy read each result out is absolutely tedious, why not just have a screen that presents it electronically and provide each TV station with data for their tickers?
- Anxiety increasing over delay, but overall guys on the ground are calm
- Lowest turnout tracked so far is 57% in Funyula
- Slightly less of a third of the vote counted so those who are getting impatient, better get ready to dig in and wait.
MP results:
- Joe Nyagah out
- Imenti South: Murungi in
- Kwanza: Wekesa in
- Matuga violence after Mwakere declared winner
- Mwala: Katuku out
- Subukia: Koigi out
- Kisauni: Joho in, Mwaboza out
December 28th, 2007
Election 2007 Dec 28 11:00 pm update
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Stepping out again for a bit. Will be back to keep updating through the night.
Latest news:
- The presidential race might come down to Rift Valley. Gap between Raila and Kibaki narrowing - Raila leading by about 10%
- Ruyenjes - Cecily Mbarire in
- Marakwet - Jebii Kilimo in
- Matuga - Mwakwere in
- Migori - John Pesu in
- Westlands Gumo in
- Kitui Central - Ngilu in
- Gichugu - Martha Karua in
- Kasarani - Elizabeth Ongoro in
- Eldoret East - Margaret Kamar in (she’s Biwott’s wife, running on ODM ticket), Eldoret has highest number of female MPs so far.
- Taveta - Naomi Shaban in
- Mwea - Peter Gitau in, Alfred Nderitu out
- Naivasha - Jayne Kihara out
- Mbita - Kajwangi in
- Juja - announcement of the result in Juja suspended after violence erupts, appears as if guys were paid to cause chaos. Kabogo leading over Thuo.
- Ndwiga out.
- West Mugirango - Obwocha out.
- Makueni - Kibwana Out, Peter Kiilu in
You can also check out MarsgroupKenya for updates though the website seems to be down right now.
December 28th, 2007
Election results update 10:00 pm Dec 28th
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Just got home, quick update.
- Chaos in Garsen as Mungatana declared winner despite claims of rigging. Also violence in Starehe and Kamkunji.
- Presidential results via NTV: Raila 50.2%, Kibaki 40.9%Raila leading in Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley and Coast. Kibaki leading in Central, Nairobi, North Eastern. Kalonzo leading in Eastern.
December 28th, 2007
Taking a break
Posted by Ory Okolloh in Uncategorized
At some point today I need to shower
Relieving the family from cabin fever will be back in a couple of hours. If I can find a place in Nairobi that has TV, wireless, and is kiddie friendly updates will continue (taking recommendations).
December 28th, 2007
Election 2007 Dec 28 2:00 pm update
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
- For guys who are asking about Sakuda, no updates as counting has been suspended as I said in my last post due to chaos.
- For guys who want more updates - relax - I’m one person doing the best I can on a voluntary basis and with a family that’s been cooped up in the house so that I can keep doing this so cut me some slack.
- Chaos in Kamkunji, ODM candidate claiming rigging.
- Wajir East - Mohamed Mahamud out
- Rongai - Luka Kigen leading
- Wajir East - Elmi leading
- Current seats - ODM 33, PNU 7, Safina 3, UDM 1, GKP 1, KANU not sure (by the way I don’t think there’ll be an official opposition and this is not a good thing, KANU is dead)
- Mbooni - Mutula Kilonzo in, Munyao out
- Moyale - Mohamed Ali in
- Wajir North - Abdullahi Ali leading over Hussein Mohammed leading, very very tight.
- Ganze - Francis Bayah in
- Gatanga - Peter Kenneth in
- Gatundu North - Patrick Muiruri out
- Presidential stats: Raila 57%, Kibaki 37%, Kalonzo 5%
December 28th, 2007
Election results update 12:30 pm Dec 28
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Folks this is a historic election by Kenyan standards, regional standards and international standards - I don’t think there is a precedent for the number of incumbents that are going down despite having massive resources behind them and attempts to bribe voters. And I challenge you to find an election in the Western world in recent times where people have come out with such determination, conviction, and a strong sense of civic duty .
I’m very very proud of Kenyan voters and you all should be no matter who you are supporting.
The media has focused on the presidential race and on the tribal nature of the campaign, but the story of the revolution (as I keep repeating, but really it’s worth emphasizing) is at the local level - Kenyans have realized the power of the vote and will no longer be taken for a ride. I think this election will be a watermark as far the maturity of voters and the impact it will have on the next Parliament (now we need to get rid of pensions for one-term MPs), Kenyans want results and CHANGE and not empty talk, and if ODM wins they will have an incredibly difficult time at managing expectations.
I’m so excited (plus I’m loving the fact that the comments left on Mzalendo over the past year are reflecting in the results…we’re on to something)!
On to the latest results:
- Kajiado North - counting suspended due to electoral misconducted, some ballot boxes not sealed properly and others found empty. Sakuda was losing last night, but Saitoti suddenly started picking up this am.
- Garsen - counting also suspended due to chaos after a helicopter landed at the counting station with 12 unaccompanied ballot boxes. The crowd destroyed the 12 boxes and started going after the boxes that had already been counted, they had to be dispersed with tear gas.
- Kibwezi - Kalembe out
- Budalangi - Ababu Namambwa in
- All Moi sons out. Raymond lost to Luka Kigen.
- Mt Elgon - Kapondi out
- Kulundu out
- Kabete - Muite out, Nguyai in
- Nyakach - Pollins Onyango in
- North Imenti - Mwiraria out
- Sotik - Lorna Labasi in (women doing well in Rift Valley)
- Kipiriri - Kimunya in
- Ntimama in
- Cherangany - Kirwa out
- Belgut - Charles Ketel in
Wah! The people have spoken.
December 28th, 2007
Election results update 10:30 am Dec 28
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
More provisional results from this morning
- Kamkunji -Ibrahim Ahmed over Simon Mbugua
- Langata - Odinga 60%, Livondo 37%
- Matuga Mwakere 32% Mwanyoha 29%
- Bahari - Gunda over Tete
- Igembe South - Iringo over Muriungi very close
- Baringo North - Kipkorir (ODM) over Kipchumba (Kanu)
- Narok South - Ole Lankas over Stephen Ntutu
December 28th, 2007
Election results update ECK Briefing 9:00am Dec 28
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Other results from TV stations:
- National elections: Raila 64.5%, Kibaki 33.%, Kalonzo 1.7%Western - Raila 68%, Kibaki 31%; Nyanza Raila 90%, Rift Valley Raila 83%, 16% Kibaki; Eatern - Kibaki 61%, Raila 22%, Central Kibaki 98%, Raila 2%; Nairobi Kibaki 49% Raila 42%
- Eldoret South - Peris Chepchumba wins (first female winner to be announced)
- Mathira - Ephraim Maina over Gachagua
- Emgwen - Elijah Lagat
- Kombo officially out to Sambu in Webuye
- Eldama Ravine - Lesonet over Moi
- Rongo - Dalmas Oteino over Ayacko
- Mogotio - Helen Jepekboi
- North Eastern province results trickling in, Raila in the lead
Other observations Nyanza definitely an ODM wave despite unhappiness with the nominations process, end of Ford People as the dominant party in Kisii - ODM losing out due to flawed nominations, Central - wide open unlike Nyanza no 3 piece voting, Safina surprisingly strong.
ECK Briefing was really a waste of time. Provisional results were announced for only 3 constituencies and one of them didn’t even include the MP results. People are starting to get anxious now because they should have tallies from a lot more constituencies and should have been able to have a more substantive briefing this morning. Poor showing from them this morning. They are blaming the high turnout and the need for accuracy.
December 28th, 2007
Election results update 8:15 am Dec 28
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Sorry guys, I had to sleep for a few hours…it’s going to be another long night…and baby KP wakes up bright and early with many storos for me.
Only 5% of the results counted nationally.
OK, latest results for MP - some big guys gone done and the results confirmed a lot of the “lowly gossip” I was getting from guys.
- Funyula - Mood Awori out, Paul Otuuma out (confirmed- Mukurweini - Kabando in, Kagwe out
- Bureti - Paul Sang out
- Emgwen - Lagat in over Tarus
- Mvita - Balala over Taib
- Baringo Central - Sammy Mwaita in, Gideon Moi out by big margin.
- Ugenya - Orengo in
-Juja - Thuo leading over Kabogo
- Nakuru Town - Lee Kinyanjui in
Kibaki leading Nairobi ,Central, Eastern, Raila the rest except no news from North Eastern.
North Eastern votes trickling in now, still no explanation about the delay.
December 27th, 2007
Election results update 4:00 am - Parliament results (Kenya Time)
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Thanks for all the supportive comments.
Been waiting for some decent MP results for most of the night, because I think they will be far more interesting than the Presidential results and of course because of Mzalendo. Here’s what I have so far again via NTV. Lots of surprises - Kisii, Western and Central very interesting. Again keep in mind these are very preliminary.
- Westlands - very tight between Tett 43% and Gumo 41%, Mueke is sitting at 16%.
- Langata - Raila 60%, Livondo 40%
- Mvita - Balala 63%, Taib 29%
- Matuga - Mwakere 39%, Mwanyoha 31%
- Mwatata - Mwatela 51%, Madoka 33%
- Saku - Waqo is leading.
- Nithi - Mbiuki is leading
- Siakago - Lenny Kivuti
- Tetu - Francis Nyammu by far
- Kieni - Warugongo by far
- Mukurueni - Kagwe 63%, Kabando 36% (was supposed to be a tight one)
- Nyeri Town - Mathenge in the lead
- Mwea - Peter Njunguna in the lead
- Gichugu - Karua 57%, Jackson Gutu 40%
- Kiharu - Ngenye Kariuki over Kembi Gituara
- Juja - Thuo 50%, Kabogo 23%
- Kiambaa - Githunguri - 79%, Karume 21%
- Keiyo North - Chepiktony in the lead
- Keiyo South - Kiptoon 68% over Biwott 30%
- Eldama Ravine - Lessonet leading over Jonathan Moi
- Laikipia East - Letai over Kiunjuri
- Narok South - Lankas over Ntutu
- Kajiado - Sakuda over Saitoti by big margin
- Boment - Kones over Salat
- Malava - Soita Shitanda leading
- Butere - Oparanya leading.
- Kimilili - Murungu leading, Kituyi third
- Sirisia - John Koyi over Wetangula (close race)
- Butula - Alfred Bwire leading
- Funyula - Nyongesa over Moody (very close though)
- Alego - Edwin Yinda leading
-Gem - Midiwo leading
- Rarieda - Gumbo 80%, Tuju 20%
- Kisumu Rural - Anyang Nyong’o 96%
- Rangwe - Martin Ogindo leading
- Kuria - Shadrack Manga over Machage
- South Mugirango - Ayiema over Magara
- Bobasi - Obure over Manoti
- Nyaribari Chache - Monda over Nyachae
- Kisauni - Joho over Mwaboza
- Kitutu Chache - Angwenyi over Onyonka
December 27th, 2007
Election results update (1) 3:00 am Kenya Time
Posted by Ory Okolloh in kenyaelection07
Some MP results via Citizen TV:
- Orengo leading Mwanga in Ugenya.- Sambu leading Kombo in Webuye- Chikati leading Kituyi by slim margin- Ahmed Shakil leading in Kisumu Town East (Kibaki got quite a few votes here).- Olago leading in Kisumu Town West- James Rege leading in Karachuonyo- Kamanda has a very very slim lead over Margaret Wanjiru in Starehe
Kivuitu just got with a press briefing. He said that there were no official results from anywhere yet because of delays in polls opening and other glitches. He apologized and said he believes that the ECK had done the best that they could under the circumstances. He also said that he wants to wait until they have a degree of finality before they announce any results. The next press briefing will be at 8:00 am, and they might announce provisional results from polling stations then but no winners declared. ECK is estimating that a winner will not be declared until Dec 29th.
There was a Q&A session afterwards. George Nyamweya, the PNU spokesperson claimed that ODM is announcing presidential results from about 200 constituencies and are usurping the role of the ECK and wanted Kivuitu to do something about it. Kivuitu refused to get embroiled and said that the ECK will not be a “listening machine” and that Kenyans know better and will be able to discern for themselves.
Compiled and edited
by KIM
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